Emerging Artist

Artist Profile: Meet Jill Nathanson

Today, we're meeting Jill Nathanson, a contemporary painter whose work feels summery and uplifting, and stands out from your typical pretty abstracts. Her solo show at a New York gallery just opened, so find out what you need to know about the hows and whys of her work. 

A Few Artists We've Recently Discovered

Our biz is about matchmaking people with art. And the more art we know about, the better we can matchmake. BUT importantly, I'm picky about what I recommend to clients... I'm hired for my taste, so I have to like an artist's work before even pitching it to a client, and sometimes it takes a lot of looking before finding pieces I like. Here are three new artists I've recently discovered and like. Their work is going right smack into our newly organized database (woot woot!) and you mayyyy see some on a big brick Soho loft wall very soon. 

Three Things to Know About Buying Photography

A lot of people are into photography.  It's affordable (relative to unique pieces like paintings), relatable (who hasn't taken pics?), and prolific (since it can be re-printed).  But beyond consciously or subconsciously recognizing these facts, many people's knowledge of the field is limited. And commonly, despite their declared interest in it, they don't reallllly want to pay a lot of money to buy a photograph vs a painting.  ("Because it's a photo, and I could have just taken that myself...") There's no shame in this hesitation/reasoning, and I've heard it 100 times. But here are a few fun facts to note when declaring yourself a photo fan, and particularly when buying photography: 

Emerging Artists I Like

When meeting people for the first time, I sense they think I'm a smidge cooler upon learning that I know up and coming artists. I may be wrong, and for those who think so, feel free to stop reading. If you are in the camp of "WOW, SO DO YOU KNOW A LOT OF EMERGING ARTISTS!???", then I hereby dedicate this post to you.