Interior Styling

More About Cedarvale House, Toronto

Collecting art doesn’t have to be quite so complicated. It can, quite simply, be the process of being drawn to a colour, a mood, or even a feeling in an artwork. But sometimes a theme emerges that makes everything feel like it belongs together.

More About the Toronto Basement Gallery 

For our recent project launch of the Toronto Basement Gallery, we wanted to share a closer look at some of the key artworks and details that make it really special.

Fall 2021 Project Rundown

Each project is at a different stage of development, but we’re happy to provide a window into two of them, as well as insights on how we’re thinking about the spaces and what art is up for consideration.

The Mason Lane Team's Style: Vol.1

As a team of 6, our internal styles don't always align, but they feed a greater discussion about artists to consider, why certain pieces can be unexpectedly compelling, and how to keep an open mind. With that, we're giving you a window into each of our styles.

The Gallery Wall

Gallery Walls are a fan-favorite part of any home, which we often execute when clients want their space to feel more personal. We're sharing the soup-to-nuts rundown on how gallery walls work.

Current Art + Design Obsessions For My House

Current Art + Design Obsessions For My House

Soaring ceiling beams in new build beach house? YES. Original architectural details in a renovated iconic brownstone? YES. Million dollar powder room? YES THAT TOO. I’m pretty good at not buying everything I see and going bankrupt, but here are my recent personal favorites that I love, can afford, and am figuring out how to work within my space.

Where We Wallpapered (and WHY)

Where We Wallpapered (and WHY)

Wallpaper is quite on trend and I’m proud to say Katharine and I got in on that early. Years ago we shared ideas, sources, and [strong] opinions on wallpapering our own homes and I may have gone to some extreme lengths to get the right papers for very specific needs. And it was worth it because good spaces = endless enjoyment.  Here’s the rundown:

What I've Learned About Why Art Matters

What I've Learned About Why Art Matters

Since beginning to work with Mason Lane in October, I've started to get why art matters. It's not that I didn't get it beforehand, but I hadn't really thought about it. I have a finance background, love design, and swoon over pretty homes... but I've always gone for a quick fix on the wall thinking that paying any extra money or attention made no marginal difference. After 4 months with this team, I'm a convert! Here's what I've learned about why art matters:

The Secret Sauce of the Staircase Gallery Wall

The Secret Sauce of the Staircase Gallery Wall

Gallery walls are tough for even the Above Average Joe.  And when the DIY efforts don't look IG-worthy, the whole process is deflating. We know. We've come to the rescue many times while promoting our view that gallery walls are a DDIY (Don't DIY) project. But let's take this one step further and address the STAIRCASE GALLERY WALL. It’s a lil bit daunting. But here’s what you need to know, how to estimate costs, and what you should outsource (and to whom)…

5 Reasons Why November Has Been Awesome


1: Lots of projects are looking VERY good.


2: We sold a Nir Hod piece from our Most Liked IG Post Ever.
This babe is en route to Tribeca.


3: Our Experience Gift Guide is up on the blog.


4: Smitten Films x Mason Lane is here.
Your silver bullet answer to the BEST. GIFT. EVER.


5: This month’s discovery: Lev Khesin
Love the texture, color, and three dimensionality of this new find.

Current Project Run Down For this Pre Holiday Special Moment

Oh HEY, Holiday Rush! It’s been a while. Here’s what we’re working on, art we’re seeing, and how a few projects are really shapin’ up before we sing Jingle Bells into the New Year.

Getting Gorgeous, Unique Home Pieces Just Got Easier

Last Friday I went to Field + Supply. It’s a GORGEOUS crafts fair in Kingston, New York at the Hutton Brickyards. There’s a lot to discuss. The location on the Hudson, the bonfires, the smell of bonfires, and the artisanal everything were all simply wonderful. But my favorite news to share is that this fair, and the buzz it has generated, has completely changed the market for beautiful, hand crafted pieces. And finding, owning, and loving them just got easier.

A Lot of Current Projects are Looking Very Good

A Lot of Current Projects are Looking Very Good

Our current projects go through many phases from initial site visits to final installs, and it's rare that we're doing a lot of installs all at once. BUT, that moment has come lots of installs for 3 projects are happening simultaneously. Funnily enough, art installers are ALSO having a moment and my go-tos are all booked/having babies/not available, so this is a new juggle. Not all current installs are necessarily the FINAL situation, but seeing this kind of progress is objectively exciting. Here are the updates: