Interior Design

Mistakes Made in My Home & Work 

Nesting has become a full-on hobby/obsession at this point in my life and I always love figuring out how to make my home feel homier and be more functional. Importantly, my style evolves and our functional needs change often. One great example of this is just before the pandemic, we re-did a home office/gym. The new built-in desk was so beautiful for the one week we had it before lockdown.  After the world went virtual, we learned that two people cannot be on Zooms in the same room, and a Peloton and bathroom make for a terrible professional background. Anyways, with all the tips and tricks we share, I thought it would be fun to do some bloopers. Here, we’re sharing some personal mistakes that I would advise against. In some cases, I was able to pivot and solve. In others, I wasn’t and I live with the mistake until I can’t anymore. Here you go:


I’ve been inspired by all the Boll and Branch brand ambassadors on Instagram touting about how soft their towels, robes, and bathmats are, so I went for it and purchased some for each of our bathrooms. I couldn’t decide between “pale pewter” and “sand” (no longer offered), so I purchased both and loosely earmarked “sand” for the kids’ rooms. Bad call. The colors are so ridiculously similar that you definitely can’t tell the difference when you are angrily folding laundry or pulling anything from a linen closet. Accordingly, the towel colors always get mixed and it’s frankly just off enough to look wrong and irritating. My advice: either get VERY different colors for different bathrooms or just pick one. 


Citizenry Throw

Citizenry Throw

I love a pretty sling-back chair, especially those involving leather and wood. These instantly bring to mind images of me reading by a fire with a cozy blanket (like this one, just released from The Citizenry). Well, earlier this year I purchased the Anthropologie Sydney Chair and it was just so awful. The leather was completely stiff, the back was oddly long and my head didn’t reach the tempting fluffy pillow, and the arms were not functional with those charming little finials. Thank you, Anthro, for having a 5-star return policy. It seems other people may have been disappointed as well since the chair is no longer offered.  Next time: sit in the chair, or at least find out how soft the leather actually is to make your cozy fireside dream a reality.


There are paint companies and there are individual painters that may work with a paint company and work with you in their off-hours. I’ve worked with both and am now a clear fan of the former. Going with an individual is generally cheaper but, in my experience, it comes with less predictable hours, timeline and cost. There is rarely a contract, and I honestly am unsure about insurance logistics because it’s rarely offered up by the individual. This used to work for me.  Now, after painting an entire home inside and out it does not. I am a huge fan of The Company; it comes with a premium but the thoroughness of every part of the project, from from color selection to prep work to paint can disposal and troubleshooting issues (like damaged gutters, trim questions, etc.) is 100% worth it. Plus, the team shows up every day, on time, and focuses on the work until the project is done, and the resulting top-quality job and peace of mind is a win. 


Hiring a contractor or handyman/woman instead of a proper art installer. This is one I am slipping in here NOT because I have made the mistake, but because I have witnessed it being made. It’s a bad idea 98% of the time. These people are incredibly skilled and they CAN put a hole in the wall, but if the artwork requires 2 holes, adjustment of hardware on the artwork, particular spacing that works optimally with the design or ANY unforeseeable task beyond just putting a hole in the wall - they are not a good option.  Art installers know how to properly drill into your wallpaper, drill into your new wood paneling, drill into your new artwork ONCE so that it is done right.  This is not a place to save a few bucks and if anyone needs an art installer, we are happy to share names. 


This is a mysterious area to me largely because I have burned through so many vendors that have been awful or gone bankrupt for being awful on a larger scale. I won’t name names but let’s just say I am in the market for someone who is trained in the art of the callback. Anyways. Beyond vendor issues, one key mistake I have made is to not ask 100 questions about the details of my order, leaving vendors to make assumptions and me to get a product I did not want.  For example, I love a sheer linen drape any day of the week. One vendor assumed that I do not and lined my sheer linen drapes such that they are not sheer anymore. I should have known to look at this detail on the order sheet, but to be fair, I was a novice and didn’t scrutinize the handwritten order sheet. GET DETAILS IN WRITING, TYPED. Understand everything from lead time to fabric, hardware, length, installer details, and more. For this one, I’m debating slicing out the lining myself or getting a seamstress to do it, but in the meantime, the drapes are just there, reminding me of my issue every time I see them. 

So there you have it, and clearly, there are more! We’ve all made mistakes and learned from them, and that’s one reason why our home evolves. Hopefully, this helps you give yourself a little grace and we all learn together. 

Project Boutique Hotel

Project Boutique Hotel

The budget for all art was $20k and there were 9 floors with a 4 bedroom apartment on every floor. With ~85 artworks this amounts to an average of ~$250 per piece. Our typical client spends $5k- $50k per artwork, so this budget was new, but I am incapable of turning down a challenge, so we took the job. 



Four experts joined the panel to share 1) what defines an eco-home/passive house; 2) why it’s appealing (and why it isn’t); 3) how much it costs; and 4) what everyone SHOULD know but does not.  If you made it -THANKS! And if you didn’t, here’s what to know: 

The Deal with 1:1 Designer Consults

The Deal with 1:1 Designer Consults

Some of you may have seen me on Instagram in fancy headphones talking about our designer consults. First, the headphones are these and they offer better sound/make me feel important, and second, here's what a designer recently said about our consults: 

Hello Empty Wall

Hi new wall! You have so much potential.

It’s exciting to get in early on a project like this WIP Toronto house. With a blank slate, we want to explore different mediums, proportions, a neutral vs colorful palette… We are getting SO excited that we starting brainstorming ideas.

The best part of getting in early is that we can preserve an “art wall” in this room. Meaning: we have the opportunity to collaborate with the team (architect, contractor and designer) to ensure we have no plugs in the way, no awkward switches or fixtures to work around! Yay for teamwork!

Quogue Blogue

Remember when we went out to Quogue to see this new build? Well guess what!? Things have happened since that fine fall day. The house has windows, electricity, and even some walls... [running water is TBD]...and a completion date of April may have been in an email but let's just say May to be safe.  We've bought over 15 pieces for this gorgeous Hampton getaway and wallpaper, art lighting, paint colors are more are all part of the conversation with the clients, designers, and build-team OH MY.  Here's the latest. 

What I've Learned About Why Art Matters

What I've Learned About Why Art Matters

Since beginning to work with Mason Lane in October, I've started to get why art matters. It's not that I didn't get it beforehand, but I hadn't really thought about it. I have a finance background, love design, and swoon over pretty homes... but I've always gone for a quick fix on the wall thinking that paying any extra money or attention made no marginal difference. After 4 months with this team, I'm a convert! Here's what I've learned about why art matters:

5 Reasons Why November Has Been Awesome


1: Lots of projects are looking VERY good.


2: We sold a Nir Hod piece from our Most Liked IG Post Ever.
This babe is en route to Tribeca.


3: Our Experience Gift Guide is up on the blog.


4: Smitten Films x Mason Lane is here.
Your silver bullet answer to the BEST. GIFT. EVER.


5: This month’s discovery: Lev Khesin
Love the texture, color, and three dimensionality of this new find.

A Lot of Current Projects are Looking Very Good

A Lot of Current Projects are Looking Very Good

Our current projects go through many phases from initial site visits to final installs, and it's rare that we're doing a lot of installs all at once. BUT, that moment has come lots of installs for 3 projects are happening simultaneously. Funnily enough, art installers are ALSO having a moment and my go-tos are all booked/having babies/not available, so this is a new juggle. Not all current installs are necessarily the FINAL situation, but seeing this kind of progress is objectively exciting. Here are the updates: 

Trying On Art, for Project Nice View

Last week we got 15 impressive artworks into our client's East Village apartment on approval. This means that we sent pieces the client was seriously interested in buying into her space to see them on the walls.  NO ONE dislikes this service; seeing options that make your space better and picking favorites is objectively fun. BUT the results are always surprising. Here are the winners and rejects from last week's session: 

Project Hey Hey NJ

Project Hey Hey NJ is a major house project of our summer and progress is happening. Here's the story: Nice couple with cute baby moved to this quaint yet expansive NJ home one year ago…

ICYMI: The Deal with Barnaby Lane x Mason Lane

Raise your hand if you saw our announcement on Barnaby Lane x Mason Lane. And raise your hand if you were excited and confused. WELL, curious enthused fans, I'm happy provide some clarity on how this happened, WHY it's a big dealio and how it benefits people near and far.  

Why I'm Abnormally Into My Black Couch

Some of you may have been following my couch saga of the past 3 months (I think? Anyone?). Basically my amazing designer friends James and Fanny VERY KINDLY gave me solicited feedback on my kitchen/living space because it didn't feel right to me.  In short…

5 Reasons Why March Has Been Awesome

I like to end the month on a positive note so here are 5 of the BEST reasons why March has been awesome. 

1. Art fairs took over our lives: So many fairs, so little time. Click to read more!