Art Fairs

#MaddieinMiami: What Art Basel Is Like for A Newbie

Last month I went to Art Basel Miami Beach on behalf of Mason Lane. As a newbie to that fair /entire scene, there was a lot to take in. I went to 9 number of fairs, 2 private collections, and 1 beach across 4 days, and here’s what I learned:

5 Reasons Why March Has Been Awesome

I like to end the month on a positive note so here are 5 of the BEST reasons why March has been awesome. 

1. Art fairs took over our lives: So many fairs, so little time. Click to read more!

The Point of Art Fairs

Recently I've been hoping around art fairs, touring clients and designers, and blasting pics on Instagram (thanks for the content, New York Art Week!). Since, I went to bed at 8 pm last night, I'm feeling like I can do anything and the first item on my list is writing a blog post on the point of it all. 

Art fairs are a bunch of galleries, each with their own booths, exhibiting art that's for sale. The booths are all gathered in a given location (like an incredibly expensive tent, or the Park Avenue Armory) for about five days. Visitors come to the fair to browse and buy, and those visitors include professionals in the industry and your average culturally curious urbanite. 

Miami Art Baseling 2016

The Art Basel scene has become so much more than the single fair that started it all. While the surrounding activity is a ton of fun (and this working mama always welcomes a break in South Beach), it’s important to remember the purpose of it all — to connect with an artist, a gallery, and people — let them inspire you and let us appreciate the role culture plays in our lives.